QIP Accredited Organisation

Quality Innovation Performance Accreditation Report

Accreditation is independent recognition that an organisation, practice, service, program or activity meets the requirements of defined criteria or standards. Accreditation provides quality and performance assurance for owners, managers, staff, funding bodies and consumers.

The achievement of accreditation is measured against the sector specific Standards which have been set as the minimum benchmark for quality. Compliance with the Standards is demonstrated through an independent assessment.

Gugan Gulwan Youth Aboriginal Corporation successfully achieved QIP accreditation on the 12 December 2018.

QIP/AGPAL Summary Ratings

1. Governance

Standard 1.1Strategy and planningMet
Standard 1.2Organisational accountabilityMet
Standard 1.3Service agreements and partnershipsMet
Standard 1.4Collaboration and strategic positioningMet
Standard 1.5Financial managementMet
Standard 1.6Risk managementMet
Standard 1.7Legal and regulatory complianceMet
Standard 1.8Quality managementMet
Standard 1.9Feedback managementMet

2. Management systems

Overall rating: MET

Standard 2.1Management systemsMet
Standard 2.2Human resourcesMet
Standard 2.3Information managementMet
Standard 2.4Knowledge managementMet
Standard 2.5Assets and physical resourcesMet
Standard 2.6Work health and safetyMet

3. Consumer and community engagement

Overall rating: MET

Standard 3.1Community needs assessment and planningMet
Standard 3.2Consumer and community involvementMet
Standard 3.3Community and professional capacity buildingMet

4. Diversity and cultural appropriateness

Overall rating: MET

Standard 4.1Ensuring diversity and cultural appropriatenessMet

5. Service delivery

Overall rating: MET

Standard 5.1Service and program management, coordination and evaluationMet
Standard 5.2Focusing on positive outcomesMet