Tutoring Program
The Gugan Gulwan Tutoring Program is an individualised program of support available for young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students from Year 2 to Year 12, who may need additional one-on-one learning support in the ACT region.
If you are seeking to apply for the Tutoring Program, expressions of interests (EOIs) are advertised as places become available. EOIs will also be advertised on the website and Gugan Gulwan’s social media pages. Please keep your eyes open.
Alternatively, you can contact the Program Coordinator at 6296 8900 Monday to Friday.

The Tutoring program aims to alleviate the challenges many young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students face in remaining engaged in education and learning.
The Tutoring program is free for eligible students. Students in the program receive 10 x 1-hour tutoring sessions delivered through a highly experienced tutoring business.
Please note: There are limited spots on the tutoring program each term. The tutoring program experiences high demand and as such waitlists are utilised to ensure equitable access to the program. The tutoring program is not appropriate for young people with high needs and or requiring intensive educational support.